"Through these ironic and amusing characters, I hope to connect with the audience, thus making them realize those weaknesses that were all accidentally buried underneath us."
Hsinyi Liu, an artist living in New York, creates endearing and fun artworks with a taste of naughty and evilness. The dark, solemn colors may reflect her personal stories. Still, she only makes them without extra rendering and creates them with a child's heart. Still, the colorful hues and the cute poses combined with the weird grins of the sculptures genuinely grab people's attention.
In Taiwan, there is a common saying: care about others, especially the ones that are the closest to you. Living in Taiwanese society, one must learn to find emotional security from others to be supported and relied on. Yet, people often forget the power of a sharp and twisted mind, which produces unseen stress that can cause deviation.
Love's veins, Love's restrictions. People take advantage of the responsibility in one's relationship to make the submission obedient. Numerous events in life cannot resist, or society's values have influenced us to do so, making these events less capable than desirable. When did people get used to being held captive in a cell of morals? Adaptation brings us to no escape, becoming what is called "normal" or "tradition."
The image of these events reflects and affects our body and soul, and the force of habit is even stronger than gravity. Hsinyi hopes to connect with the audience, thus realizing those weaknesses accidentally buried underneath us.